Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 4, 2022


We at Bsmla Project LLC, (“Bsmla Project LLC”) take the privacy of all visitors to our websites very seriously. This privacy policy informs you how Bsmla Project LLC handles privacy matters and processes your personal data.


This Privacy Policy covers all Bsmla Project LLC websites, products and services and the data that is shared by a visitor with us whether directly via or via email. This policy provides an explanation as to what happens to any personal data that you share with us, or that we collect from you either directly via these websites or via email. By using the Sites, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Statement. This site is targeted to users in the United States.


Information we collect:

When you purchase something from our store, as part of the buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address.

When you browse our store, we also automatically receive your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address in order to provide us with information that helps us learn about your browser and operating system.

Email marketing (if applicable): With your permission, we may send you emails about our store, new products and other updates.

Text marketing (if applicable): With your permission, we may send text messages about our store, new products, and other updates. Updates include Checkout Reminders. Webhooks will be used to trigger the Checkout Reminders messaging system.

While using our site, you may provide us with certain personal data that can be used to contact or identify you ("Personal Data"). Personal Data we collect in accordance with the law may include, but is not limited to:

When you create an account or sign up for marketing information, we’ll collect your first and last name, plus your email.

When you make a purchase, we’ll collect your first name, last name, company (if applicable), address, and phone number (if provided).

We’ll also capture your financial information via Shopify’s payment capture (such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, Amazon, PayPal) or also a recharge payment capture (stripe).


Information Collected Automatically:

Like many sites, we and our third-party service providers, such as advertising and analytics providers, use cookies, web beacons and other data technologies to receive and store certain types of information when you interact with us through your computer or mobile device. Using these technologies helps us recognize you, customize your experience and make relevant marketing messages. Here are some of the types of information we collect:


Log & Device data: when you visit our site, we may automatically record information (“log data”), including information that your browser sends whenever you visit our site. This log data may include your web address you came from or are going to, your device model, operating system, browser type, unique device identifier, IP address, mobile network carrier, and time zone or location.

Our third-party service providers may provide us information that tells us how our marketing ads, which are often placed on third party sites, performed and who clicked on them. This information does not identify any specific individual and is generally non-identifying. If we were to associate it with you, we would treat it as personal data.


Use of cookies and data technologies:

Our sites use “cookies” (a small text file sent by your computer each time you visit our site) or similar data technologies to record log data. Many browsers default to accepting cookies. You may be able to change this setting in your browser and you can also clear your cookies. If you do, you may lose some functionality of our site. Check your browser’s help function to learn more about your cookie setting options.

We may use the following types of cookies.


Google Analytics - These cookies monitor performance of our website counting page views, number of unique visitors and other statistics.

Please see section below for further information and details regarding our use of Analytics cookies.

Social Media

Facebook - We use social media cookies to allow for sharing features, commenting, or to use a central log-in.


To help us make e-mails more useful and interesting, we often receive a confirmation when you open e-mail from us if your computer supports such capabilities. You can opt out of receiving emails from us. Please see the Your Choices section below.

We might also use a pixel tag which is a small graphic file that allows us and third parties to monitor the use of the site and provide us with information based on your interaction with the site or with our ads across third party sites. These tags may collect the IP address from the device which you loaded the page, the browser type, or other statistical information. Sometimes this information may include Personal Data. Pixel tags are also used by our third parties to collect information when you visit our site, the links and other actions you take on our site, and we may use this information in combination with cookies to display targeted advertisements.

We do not use Flash cookies on this site.

Other data technologies may be used that collect comparable information for security and fraud detection purposes.

If you have any questions about cookies you can go to to find out more about cookies and data technologies.


Use of Personal Data:

We use your Personal Data as described below:

To deliver and provide customer support on the product or service you requested or purchased from us. This may include transactional emails such as receipts, shipping information, and follow up survey or communications.

To analyze our product and services, as well as the sites, and to perform audits, security and fraud monitoring and prevention.

To develop new products, enhance, improve or modify our existing product, identify usage trends, determine the effectiveness of our marketing efforts, and to operate our business.

To fulfill other purposes for which you provide your personal data.

To provide you with information, products or services that you request from us.

To provide information on other products which we feel may be of interest to you or that you asked us to send to you.

To notify you about any changes to our sites, such as improvements or service/product changes, that may affect our service.

To conduct surveys or promotions.

Sharing and Disclosure:

We do not share your personal information with others except as indicated within this policy or when we inform you and give you an opportunity to opt out of having your personal information shared.

We share your information in the following ways:

With third party service providers, agents, or contractors. We use other companies, agents or contractors ("Service Providers") to perform services on our behalf or to assist us with providing services to you. These include but are not limited to:

Shopify - to power our shopping cart. If you want to learn more about Shopify’s privacy practices, which are different than ours, please visit Shopify’s privacy notice;

Klayvio- segment users based on purchase characteristics and retarget;

Mail Chimp- segment users based on purchase characteristics and retarget

Facebook- targeting and retargeting as described below;

Google – targeting and retargeting as described below;

We may engage Service Providers to provide services such as marketing, advertising, communications, infrastructure and IT services, to provide customer service, to collect debts, and to analyze and enhance data (including data about users' interactions with our service). These Service Providers may have access to your personal or other information in order to provide these functions.

In addition, some of the information we request may be collected by third party providers on our behalf. We do not authorize them to use or disclose your personal information except in connection with providing their services.

Analytics. As mentioned above, for analytics, we use Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Service. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

You can opt-out of having made your activity on the Service available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. The add-on prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from sharing information with Google Analytics about visits activity. For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page: Google also recommends installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on - - for your web browser. Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on provides visitors with the ability to prevent their data from being collected and used by Google Analytics.

Advertising. We may use third-party Service Providers to show advertisements, which may include targeted advertisements on a third-party site after you have visited our website. We and the third-party service providers use cookies to inform, optimize, measure performance serve ads based on your previous visits to our site. Any tracking that a third party performs is subject to their own privacy notice.

Please note at this time, we do not recognize automated browser signals regarding tracking mechanisms, which may include "do not track" instructions.


Google AdWords/Analytics:

Google AdWords remarketing service is provided by Google Inc.

You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize the Google Display Network ads by visiting the Google Ads Settings page:

For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page at



You can learn more about interest-based advertising from Facebook by visiting this page:

To opt-out from Facebook's interest-based ads follow these instructions from Facebook:

To see more about Facebook’s participation in the Digital Advertising Alliance please visit the Choices section of this notice.

For more information on the privacy practices of Facebook, please visit Facebook's Data Policy:

To comply with legal process or to protect Bsmla Project LLC. If we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation, legal or governmental request; to enforce applicable terms of use, including investigation of potential violations thereof; to protect the safety, rights, or property of the public, any person, or Bsmla Project LLC as required by law; or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address, security or technical issues or illegal or suspected illegal activities (including fraud).

Business Transfers. We may engage in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, reorganization, or similar transaction or proceeding that involves the transfer of the information described in this Policy. In such transitions, customer information is typically one of the business assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. In the unlikely event that we or substantially all of our assets are acquired or enter a court proceeding, you acknowledge that such transfers may occur and that your personal information can continue to be used as setforth in this privacy policy.


Storing Personal Data and Data Retention:

We will maintain your Personal Data for as long is necessary to meet our business purposes unless and until you ask us to delete this information.

This site is operated in and directed to those in the United States. If you are located in another jurisdiction, please know that your information will be transferred to, stored, and processed in the United States. It is important to note that the privacy laws in the United States may not be as comprehensive as those in other countries such as the European Union.

We require that our service providers use appropriate safeguards to transfer your personal data to the United States. Data that is provided to us is stored on our or our third party’s secure servers. Details relating to any transactions entered into via our site will be encrypted to ensure its safety.


Third party links:

We may have links on our site to other sites that we do not operate. If you click on a third-party link, you will be taken directly to that site which is governed by its own privacy notice. We strongly encourage you to read that privacy notice. We do not control that site and assume no responsibility for the content, policies or its practices.


Individual Rights – Actions you can take:

We hope to ensure that the personal data we possess is always accurate and therefore we encourage you to update your information in your own account in case any changes have occurred.

We have listed below the rights that you may be able to exercise in respect of the processing of your personal data, subject to applicable law. We take every reasonable step to ensure that the personal data that we process is limited to the personal data that is reasonably required in connection with the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

Please note that upon exercising any of the rights listed below, you may be requested to provide additional information for identification purposes. Such additional information shall not be used for any other purpose and will be removed after successful identification.

Providing your data: You may choose not to provide your personal data to us. It should be noted that some features of our websites, applications and other services may not be fully available to you if you choose not to provide us with your personal data (e.g., we may not be able to process your orders without the necessary details).

Unsubscribing: We include an unsubscribe link in all electronic marketing messages we send to you. You may withdraw your consent to direct marketing at any time. If you do so, we will promptly update our databases, and will not send you further direct marketing, but we may continue to contact you to the extent necessary for the purposes of any products or services you have requested.

Checking and editing your personal data: Should you have an online user account, you may edit and complete your personal data directly yourself. If you do not have an online user account, you may contact us, who will upon your request as soon as possible rectify, remove or complete the information which is incorrect, unnecessary, lacking or outdated.

Blocking and deleting cookies: You may block the cookies using your browser settings. Please note that blocking the cookies may affect the usability of our websites. You may also delete the cookies from your browser via its settings, in which case the information collected by the previous cookie will not affect the account created based on the information collected after such deletion.

Advertising. You can opt out of online targeted advertising by opting out within the advertisement itself or by visiting Digital Advertising Alliance, You can also opt out of the Digital Advertising Alliance using your mobile device settings.

Allowing use of location data: If we request it, you may give your consent to the use of location data in the options of the device or the application. You may also withdraw such consent at any time from the options menu in your account, or by contacting us.



We use reasonable administrative, logical, physical and managerial measures to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft and unauthorized access, use and modification. The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of data sent to us electronically and the transmission of such data is entirely at your own risk. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password so that you can access certain areas of our site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential.


Sensitive Data:

We request that you do not send us any sensitive data such as social security or national identification numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, biometrics or genetic, criminal background or trade union membership information. If you do send us sensitive data, then you are consenting to its processing in accordance with this privacy notice. To avoid processing of sensitive data, do not submit it.


Our policy on children’s information:

Our site is not directed to children under 16. If you learn that your minor child has provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us.


Contacting us:

We welcome any queries, comments or requests you may have regarding this policy please do not hesitate to contact us at

If you would prefer to write to us then our contact address is:

Bsmla Project LLC, 502 West 7th Street, ste 100, Erie Pennsylvania 16502